понедельник, 7 декабря 2015 г.

tape art / Moscow, Lenin, ect

tape art tapeart Moscow Kremlin  Lenin кремль мавзолей ленин
tape art tapeart Moscow Kremlin  Lenin 88x78cm 2015
tape art tapeart Moscow Kremlin  Lenin Godzilla мавзолей t-rex
tape art tapeart Moscow Kremlin  Lenin Godzila 88x78cm 2015

tape art / big eyes

tape art tapeart portrait big eyes boy
tape art tapeart portrait big eyes boy 88x156cm 2015

tape art / white scarf

tape art tapeart pop-art white  contemporary russian islam
tape art tapeart portrait white scarf girl 88x156cm 2015

tape art /scarf girl

tape art tapeart contemporary
tape art tapeart portrait scarf girl 88x156cm 2015

tape art / black and white

tape art tapeart portrait black and white girl
tape art tapeart 88x78cm portrait black and white girl